Summer Art Camp | Week 2: History


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Dates: July 16 – 18 (Tues, Weds, Thurs)

Time: 9:30am – 12pm

Ages: 6-10

Instructors: Erin Rice & Brianna Stewart

Cost: $85.00 (per child for 3 days)

Description: From local Ipswich history to art history, we’ll be taking the past as our inspiration for this week. We’ll explore the different types of architecture at the museum and in the neighborhood for our first project, explore art movements from Europe that influenced artists here in Ipswich at the beginning of the 20th century, and dive into special objects from the museum collection to make unique multimedia works.

We will be outdoors as much as possible. We will use the indoor classroom at the back of the Whipple House in the event of rain.