Summer Art Camp | Week 1: Nature


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Dates: July 9-11 (Tues, Weds, Thurs)

Time: 9:30am – 12pm

Ages: 6-10

Instructors: Erin Rice & Brianna Stewart

Cost: $85.00 per child for the 3 days

Description: Come explore the incredible variety of plant, animal and bug life around us in our meadow, and along the banks of the Ipswich River.  Our adventures outside will be part scientific, part artistic, and part experimental. We’ll learn the basics of landscape painting, botanical watercolor, printmaking, sculpture, and learning how to identify and record the plant life we encounter as we go. Then we’ll dig deeper into the possibilities plants have to offer by trying our hand at Hapa Zome – a way of pulling the natural pigments out of flowers and leaves to make a print on textile.

We will be working outside as much as possible. We will use our classroom space at the back of the Whipple house in the event of rain.